Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The Cleaner

It doesn't matter where you are. It matters where you're going.

I was one of the few remaining in the office trying to finish up some work as the sun set today. Usually everyone leaves around 5...right about the time when the cleaning people come in. A woman who wore headphones walked into my part of the office and began dusting the desks around me.

"Your workday is almost over!" I exclaimed. I could tell she wasn't used to people in the office talking to her as she cleaned.

"Do you like working on the cleaning crew?" I asked.

"It pays the bills. Every semester I start school by quitting this job. I always think, 'You know what? I'm done with this!' But I can never find another job, so I always end up begging my manager to let me back on the crew...and he always does."

"Well the hours are probably good for school. What do you plan to do?" I asked.

"I'm working on my Masters of Public Administration right now, so hopefully I'll be in the political realm making policy decisions in a couple of years."

Life is full of transitions. This woman will go from cleaning computers to cleaning up the country. The nation is in good hands. How do I know?

My desk is always dust-free.

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