Monday, May 3, 2010

The Bee Keeper

It's not every day you find someone who has dedicated his whole life to bees. Seriously...bees. I met the Bee Keeper outside the city administration building today. He was tending to his hive.

"Sir, how exactly did you get into this? Why do you like bees?"

He laughed. "When I was a kid, I used to live on a cotton farm. There were bees everywhere. Then, I learned there were different types of honey, from blueberry to orange to smoked. Once I tried each of them, I became hooked. Bees are fascinating to me."

Wow, I thought. He must lead a boring life. Seriously. Bees. I was about to comment on this when he perked up.

"Yup, I've been all around the Jordan, Egypt, Syria, to teach bee-keeping classes and pollination lectures. In many nations, they need bee production to survive. Bees have allowed me to travel all around the world."

He taught me all about bees--how and why they are important, the hierarchy of the hive, and how to tame the killer ones.

It's not everyday you meet a guy who has seen the world on the backs of honeybees.

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